One-Week Teacher Training
One-Week Teacher Training
For teachers in charge of providing career assistance in their individual schools, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is getting ready to start a one-week training session.
A TSC memo requiring them to help school administrators in creating an Office of Career Services (OCS) within their schools . Has already received favorable feedback from a number of TSC County Directors.
Schools are required to nominate a teacher to direct the Office of Career Services as part of this program.
Following selection, these teachers—now known as OCS coordinators—will take part in training sessions led by TSC in their respective counties.
Here is a copy of the memo that TSC sent to all County Directors on August 16, 2023. With the subject “Office of Career Services” and the reference number TSC/DQAS/MEMOS/CD/40/VOLII/89.
THE CAREER SERVICES OFFICE According to Executive Order No. 1 of 2021, the State Department for Labour and Skills Development is in charge of overseeing the development of skills across a variety of industries. As well as creating and maintaining the institutional structure that links industrial skill development and training.
In keeping with its mandate, the Department is dedicated to promoting career guidance . In order to minimize skill gaps, improve the transition from school to the workplace, increase employability, promote labor mobility, and reintegrate vulnerable and marginalized groups into the educational and labor market services.
The Department has created Offices of Career Services (OCS) and a National Policy Framework to achieve this goal. The upshot is that many universities, national polytechnics, technical vocational schools, as well as primary and secondary educational institutions, have established Offices of Career Services (OCS).
As a result of this communication, you are required to make the following arrangements:
(a) Create an Office of Career Service at every institution under your control.Also nominate a teacher to oversee OCS operations. (a) The curriculum-approved Community Service Learning (CSL) program is taught.
All institution administrators should be informed of this instruction. By September 10, 2023, the County Directors’ office should receive any comments.