TSC Start To Compile List Of KCPE, KPSEA, KCSE Invigilators
TSC Start To Compile List Of KCPE, KPSEA, KCSE Invigilators
In order to administer the national tests in 2023, a list of teachers has been assembled by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).To determine who will administer exams, the Commission is gathering teacher data through Curriculum Support Officers (CSOs).
School principals are obligated to complete and submit an Excel template containing teacher information.
Teachers must provide the following information: Name, Position, TSC number, Job group, ID number, current school, mobile phone, KRA pin, and enrollment in the KPSEA, KCPE, and KCSE.
In the 2022 tests, 5,647 examiners, 74,990 invigilators, 28,408 center managers, and 28,727 supervisors were all teachers.
For the 2.3 million students completing the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams this year, the Kenya National Examination Council (Knec) has completed arrangements to conduct national tests.The KCPE exam will be taken by about 1,415,315 students, and the KCSE exam will be taken by an additional 903,260 candidates.The Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) for 1,282,574 students in Grade Six would be prepared for, including registration, paper setting, and exam administration in accordance with the schedule, according to Knec Chief Executive David Njengere.Dr. Njengere made these remarks at the 39th Association for Educational Assessment in Africa Conference held at the Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi.
To combat cheating during this year’s national exams, Knec has increased security measures in place, such as modifying how exam papers are distributed.Only morning papers will be collected by center managers (school heads) in the morning as opposed to all papers. Exam papers will now be stored in more containers on-site at schools, saving time on transportation.Although it has sparked concerns regarding instructors’ delayed payment after exam administration, the practice is intended to minimize early exposure to afternoon papers. instructors’ unions have threatened boycotts if payment troubles remain.
Teachers are urged to register on the CP2 site using only their TSC number for exam invigilation or supervision duties. It is possible to achieve this by contacting CSOs or school administrators.It is advised to open a CP2 account ahead of time to prevent last-minute issues.List of KCPE, KPSEA, and KCSE Invigilators Being compiled by TSC.