KCPE results indicate a general drop in performance
KCPE results indicate a general drop in performance
Education CS Ezekiel Machogu revealed the results of this year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education tests on Thursday, reflecting an overall drop in performance.
Compared to 2022, fewer candidates obtained a score of 400 or higher; just 8,523 out of 1,415,911 test takers accomplished that distinction.”This was a drop compared with the 2022 KCPE examination when 9,443 candidates scored 400 marks and above,” Machogu stated.
Additionally, the results demonstrated that from 724 in 2022 to 2,060 in 2023, there were more candidates who received a score between 001 and 099 points. The number of students who received a score of 100 to 199 rose from 296,366 in 2022 to 383,025 27 in 2023. This indicates that compared to the previous year, there were more candidates who received a score below the average of 250. Additionally, statistics reveal that eight subjects saw a reduction in performance, as opposed to just six in 2022. “Eight papers, English Composition, Kiswahili, Kiswahili Insha, Kenya Sign Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Religious Education recorded a slight drop in performance in the year 2023, when compared to the year 2022,” Machogu stated.
The only languages that saw gains in performance were English and Kenyan Sign Language Composition. The top candidate this year, Michael Warutere of Nairobi’s Riara Springs Academy, received 428 points, which is a decrease from 431 points received by the best candidate the previous year. Out of the 3,456 candidates that enrolled, only two were able to get a score higher than 400 this year for special needs candidates. However, of the 2,466 applicants who registered, 39 with special needs were able to receive a score higher than 400 in 2022. This year’s best student with special needs received 411 marks, while the top applicant in this category in 2022 received 419 marks.
In 2023, the percentage of special needs applicants with scores below the average of 250 made up 66.29% of the entire population. In this area, the number of respondents who received zero to 99 marks went from six in 2022 to seven in 2023. There were 1,138 special needs applicants with scores between 100 and 199 in 2022, and there were 1,417 in 2023. Elly Ochieng, the assistant director of King Solomon Junior Academy, said that this year’s performance was worse than in prior years. “This year, our mean score is 361, compared to last year’s mean of 373. Ochieng stated, “This is a negative departure of nine marks.
“We’ve also talked to other heads of schools in the area, in Hampton Bay, and they agree that performance declined this year. I’m not sure whether it’s because this was the last KCPE test. Impressive results were released by Ochieng’s school in Homa Bay, where 10 out of 60 candidates received scores of 400 or higher. Because there is no rivalry under the Competency Based Curriculum, Ochieng expressed concern that students may stop making an effort now that the government has phased out the 8-4-4 system. The Star was informed by the deputy head teacher of Riara Springs, which gave birth to Aristaricus Andalo, the winning candidate, that the school likewise saw a decline in the mean score.
“Our typical score from the previous year was 383, but it is now 373. Every school in the nation experiences the drop, he claimed. According to Andalo, the national examiner’s high level of standardization during the marking process was the cause of the performance decline.”Though I do not speak for Knec, I feel the standardisation level this year was high especially, in Social Studies and Religious Education which were poorly performed,” remarked the deputy head teacher.