TSC Increases Intern Teachers’ Salary Deduction
The Teachers Service Commission, or TSC, has implemented a new deduction for primary and junior secondary school intern teachers. Intern teachers at primary and secondary schools are expected to receive monthly stipends of Ksh15,000 and Ksh20,000, respectively.
After any required legislative deductions, the stipend is paid.
Previously, teachers withheld NHIF from interns solely in primary and junior secondary schools. Primary students were deducted Ksh 500, while JSS students were deducted Ksh 750.
In the most recent payslip, the commission has incorporated a compulsory deduction for the National Social Security Fund, or NSSF.
Currently, the commission deducts ksh 900 and ksh 1080 from the wages of primary and junior secondary interns, respectively. After deductions, a primary school intern receives about ksh13,000 per month, while a secondary school intern receives about ksh18,000 per month.
The Teacher Internship Programme is a oneyear training aimed to prepare and sustain instructors’ competences. In order to be eligible to serve as a JSS intern teacher, an applicant must be a Kenyan citizen and a TSC-registered teacher. He or she must also have a teaching degree or its equivalent, as well as a minimum mean grade of C+ and C+ in two KCSE courses linked to teaching.
People with disabilities (PWDs) and teachers from TVET institutes are also qualified to teach as interns. To be eligible to become a public primary teacher, a candidate must have a PI certificate, be a Kenyan citizen, and be registered with TSC.