All Teachers must Undergo training.

All Teachers must Undergo Training.

If President William Ruto adopts the recommendations of the Competency-Based Curriculum task group,all teachers will be required to retake new training to  match with changes in the school  curriculum.

According to the report presented to the  President at the State House on Tuesday,  August 1, the taskforce underlined the  importance of retraining teachers on  curricular modifications.The training is  scheduled to last a year.

“The Ministry of Education should develop guidelines on how all teachers who graduated before 2023 should go through  mandatory one year retooling  and upgrading program to ensure compliance  with the curriculum change,” the  recommendation stated in part. 

To accomplish the retooling process, task  team led by Professor Raphael Munavu  directed the institution to construct  comprehensive Faculty Staff programs in  preparation for competency based teacher  education.

To increase the number and quality of teachers joining the profession, the task group  also proposed that individuals enter pre-service teacher education with a (plain)  grade.

(Plain) in the Kenya Certificate of  Secondary Education (KCSE) or its  equivalent inSS, for example, is required  for the Diploma in Early Childhood TeacherEducation.

Diploma in Secondary Teacher Education,  Diploma in Special Needs Education, and Diploma in Technical Teacher Education are other pre-service programmes that  require (plain).

“Create Kenya Teacher Training College  (KeTTC) to manage all pre-service teacher  training colleges (TTCs) as campuses.” Develop structure to ensure effective  resource utilization and sharing,” the  guidelines said.

“The Ministry of Education (MoE) will  establish Kenya School of Teacher and  Education Management (KeSTEM) as corporate body to coordinate all in-service programs for institutional leaders and education officers.”

Furthermore, KeSTEM would provide CPD for teachers by utilizing the facilities of Kenya Teacher Training Colleges (KeTTC).” Admission requirements for Bachelor of Education degree programs, on the other hand, will remain established by the Universities’ Senates.

Teachers Service Commission, on the other hand, will provide all education graduates with the chance to participate in a mandated one year internship program upon completion of pre-service training.

CBC Challenges

Since its implementation under the reign of former President Uhuru Kenyatta, CBC has faced numerous obstacles, including a teacher shortage in the Junior Secondary  (JS) sector and bad remuneration  structure.

JS teachers have been working without  compensation since January, only to be paidin full in June.

The press also revealed near the end of July2023 that nearly 60,000 elementary school instructors had yet to apply for chance to teach Junior Secondary, despite the fact thatthey qualified.

TSC was able to hire 30,000 instructors, 8,000 of them were from primary schools.

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