How KNEC Grades KPSEA Exams on Certificates

How KNEC Grades KPSEA Exams on Certificates

How KNEC Grades KPSEA Exams on Certificates

Grade 6 students now take a nationwide  examination administered by the Kenya  nationwide Examination Council (KNEC)  in conjunction with the implementation  of the  Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC).

The Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) certificate that students  receive is not the same as other grades from KNEC.Known as a performance report and only issued in softcopy, the certificate is downloaded by school heads through KNEC’s portal 

Particulars captured by the performance report include the assessment centre and number as well as the name and gender of the pupil

On the far right of the certificate, the gender of the pupil is captured with ‘F’ denoting a girl and ‘M’ a boy. 

Unlike the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) certificate, this performance report does not capture a passport photo of the candidate. 

Subjects tested

KNEC examines Grade Six pupils in five subjects including English Language, Kiswahili Lugha and Mathematics. 

Other subjects include Integrated Science Creative Arts and Social Studies. 

Integrated Science includes Science and Technology, Agriculture, Home Science, and Physical and Health Education. 

On the other hand, Creative Arts and Social Studies cover Social Studies, Art and Craft, Music and Religious Education. 


Performance Levels 1 through 4 are used to  grade all five subjects, with the highest  number denoting exceptional performance.

Performance Level 1 is characterized as falling short of expectations and is  granted when a student makes an effort to demonstrate the attitudes, values,  and knowledge that have been evaluated with support.

“The student exhibits the knowledge, abilities, and attitudes/values evaluated  occasionally,” according to KNEC’s assessment of Performance Level 2, which is  characterized as being close to expectations.

When it comes to Performance Level 3, which is defined as meeting expectations,  the sixth-grade student can typically complete the assigned assessment activities. Regarding Performance Level 4, KNEC notes that “the learner consistently and with  a very high level of accuracy displays the knowledge, skills, and attitudes/values  assessed.”

The greatest academic honor a sixth-grade student can receive, Performance Level 4, denotes exceeding expectations.

Verifying the certificate’s legitimacy

In addition to the learner’s details, the certificate needs to feature the download  date,  the head teacher’s signature, and the school seal.

Furthermore, the KNEC logo watermark needs to be included on the certificate.

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