TSC July Salary Increment Updates For Teachers
TSC July Salary Increment Updates For Teachers
The teachers’ unions Kusnet, Kuppet, and Knut were not included in the most recent iteration of the proposal to raise teacher salaries.
Teachers at TSC and other government employees will receive raises for the month of July. They will get an increase in wages ranging from seven to 10 percent.
President William Ruto announced on Friday that the goal of this is to shield public personnel from the challenging economic circumstances that are currently in place.
“I am aware that the SRC is debating a proposal to increase the compensation of a number of public servant cadres, including civil officials and other public servants. William Ruto said, “We have agreed that beginning tomorrow, your salaries will be adjusted between 7 and 10 percent,” at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) during the launch of the new e-citizen platform.
On the other hand, the three teacher unions have assumed the initiative in negotiating greater teacher compensation. This will not be discussed when decisions are being made about pay adjustments.Actually, the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) will be the only organization responsible for implementing the required pay modifications.
When negotiating for pay increases, teacher unions have a significant edge. Knut and Kuppet had begun discussions with TSC over the 2021–2025 CBA change; however, a roadblock arose.
TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia told Parliament in May that the Commission will have to spend Sh56 billion over the next four years, starting in July 2023, to raise teacher salaries from job category B5 to job group D5.
“The commission followed the Salaries Review Commission’s advice and negotiated a non-monetary CBA with the teacher unions for the 2021–2025 school year.” Julius Melly, the chair of the National Assembly Education and Research Committee, received this information from Dr. Macharia.
“It was agreed that the CBA be reviewed mid-term if the country’s economic situation would improve,” claims Dr. Macharia. Macharia claims that in order for teachers to remain motivated in their line of work, they want an annual salary increase of fourteen billion shekels (Sh14 billion).
She stated, “The Commission would like to review the CBA for the years 2021–2025, with a focus on the salary component, in order to better motivate teachers who work for the Commission.”
Therefore, in order to enable the Commission secure 14 billion Kenyan shillings annually for a four-year term to pay for the same, we would like to request the Committee’s assistance.
During the negotiations that TSC had started with the teachers unions, Kuppet had demanded a 42% pay raise, while Knut had proposed a 60% pay increase to be paid in July.