How Teachers Can Check Treasury Self-Pension Details

How Teachers Can Check Treasury Self-Pension Details

How Teachers Can Check Treasury Self-Pension Details

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has requested that retired teachers check their eligibility for the pension plan with the Treasury.

To ensure that the money is paid to the TSC retired teachers, the commission properly processes and submits pensions to the Ministry of Treasury and Planning.

TSC therefore requests that those who have retired check the status of their pension online at, the TSC site.

Clearly sated at the TSC website,all the retired teachers’ pension is summed up based on the number of years they served the state in various teaching capacities.

Another importantly area is teacher’s salary at the time of retirement which is considered while processing the pensions for all the retired professionals.

As outlined by the constitution on employment of citizens , just like other public servants,all the teachers are required to retire after attaining the mandatory age of 60 years.

Conversely, educators who are disabled may retire at age 65, which is five years later than the normal retirement age.

2009 saw an evaluation of raising the required retirement age from 55 to 60 in response to modifications made by the Public Service Commission (PSC).

It is regrettable that retired teachers’ benefits are frequently delayed despite these explicit directions.

For a variety of reasons, including insufficient funding from the national government, the payment can occasionally take years.

However, depending on the government’s decision, which is typically subject to change over time due to a variety of variables, teachers typically have other significant perks upon retirement.

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