How And When A Teacher Can Be Given A Transfer
How And When A Teacher Can Be Given A Transfer
You can be transferred from one station to another by the Teachers Service Commission, or TSC. Teachers have the option to request the transfer, or TSC may start the process.
The purpose of the transfer allowance is to provide teachers with some financial support while they adjust to their new stations. A teacher who is transferred outside of their sub-counties receives it.
The transfer allowance is equal to one month’s worth of the teacher’s base pay.
Teachers must fill out the TSC transfer form in order to request a transfer. You can download this form here.
Teachers may be transferred from one teaching station institution to another by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) on the following grounds:
- the need for equitable distribution and optimal utilization of teachers
- availability of a teaching vacancy in the proposed station.
- the need for replacement
- existing staffing norms which may be reviewed from time to time
- medical grounds, as certified by a registered medical practitioner
- any other grounds that the TSC may consider necessary to warrant the transfer.
A teacher may be transferred under the following circumstances:
- After a study leave: A teacher granted a study leave exceeding six months shall apply for posting by the Commission at least thirty days before the expiry of the study leave.
- After a leave granted to spouses of persons in diplomatic service: A spouse of a person in diplomatic mission/ service shall apply to the commission for posting one month before the end of assignment of duty.
- After a disciplinary action like interdiction or suspension for a period not exceeding six months without payment of salaries and allowances.
- After a transfer of service to the public service commission: The TSC may, Where a person applies for a transfer of service from the public commission to the TSC, approve the transfer subject to availability of a vacancy.
- After expiry of tenure at a trade union like the Kenya National Union of Teachers, KNUT, and Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers, KUPPET.
- After a substantive appointment: A teacher who is promoted and substantive appointed will be redeployed/ transferred to another station, subject to availability of such substantive posts like: Headship, Deputy Headship and Senior masters.
- After posting from a primary to a secondary institution.
- After applying to the commission for a transfer on medical grounds, with supportive evidence.
- When working conditions are hostile and may jeopardize the teacher’s well being and security.
- If there is need for equitable distribution and optimal utilization of teachers.
- On an agreeable and tenable swoop request to the TSC.