Not All Teachers Will Get Promotion In Future
Not All Teachers Will Get Promotion In Future
Teachers Service Commission (TSC) policy states that it will not consider teachers for promotions if they have not completed the Teacher Progression Development (TPD) program, which is currently required and offered by a number of authorized institutions.
Only instructors who have participated in the TPD program will be eligible for promotions in the future, in accordance with the commission’s Career Progression Guidelines (CPG), once openings are announced.
Due to low teacher enrolment since TSC implemented TPD training in 2021, the organization said that it will not consider candidates who have not completed the training for promotions.
Following an invitation to interested institutions to submit their bids in February of this year, TSC has formally confirmed that TPD training will begin on December 20, 2024.
Following approval and suggestion, these establishments will provide teachers with TPD training over the December break. Some organizations give TPD training virtually.
For example, Mount Kenya Teachers offers online TPD training, and numerous of their students used the institution’s links to complete their classes.
Kenyatta University, Riara University, and Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) are among the institutions that were accredited by TSC to provide professional training to teachers during the program’s launch.
TSC also announced that more institutions will be selected and approved by TSC to begin providing the Professional Development course to teachers this year.
Despite multiple attempts to stop the program’s implementation through court rulings, TSC was eventually cleared to carry out the program.
The Kenyan government, known as Kwanza, is now supporting the program and has made it mandatory for all teachers.
Teachers who answered the TSC’s initial call have already received their certificates for completing the TPD program’s five categories, and their applications for promotions will be taken into consideration.
These instructors typically attended classes in the evenings and at night.The introduction module covers five main topics: comprehensive school health and safety, teacher professionalism, evaluation, and assessment.
The others are Financial Literacy, Instructional Leadership, Pedagogy and Inclusive Practice, and CBC.
Given the challenging economic conditions, a number of educators are requesting approval to charge for the program.