Most Expensive Degrees in Kenya Universities

Most Expensive Degrees in Kenya Universities

Most Expensive Degrees in Kenya Universities

Do you know that the annual cost of a degree program in Kenya is more than Ksh700,000?According to information made public by the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS), the most expensive undergraduate degree offered in the nation right now is a bachelor’s in dental surgery.

According to an analysis done on the cost of the most costly degree program in Kenya for 2022–2023, students at Moi University who study dentistry must pay Ksh780,000 year.The University in Nairobi, on the other hand, charges Ksh613,000, Ksh167,000 less than Moi in Eldoret.

Furthermore, with most colleges charging over Ksh600,000, a degree in medicine and surgery is the second most expensive curriculum in the nation.Students pursuing a medical degree at Egerton University pay Ksh643,940 in tuition in their first year, while University of Nairobi students pay Ksh635,000.

According to KUCCPS, veterinary medicine programs are among the priciest in the nation, with annual tuition fees of Ksh516,340 and Ksh521,000 at Egerton University and UoN, respectively. Other noteworthy degrees are the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) Bachelor of Pharmacy, which costs Ksh492,660, and the University of Nairobi’s (UoN) Ksh487,000.


With degree costs of Ksh441,000, UoN is the university that charges the most tuition for its mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering programs.Technical University of Kenya (TUK) offers the courses at Ksh404,200.

Here Are the Highest Fees Charged for Other Notable Courses

Actuarial Science
Kisii University Bachelor – Ksh289,935
University of Nairobi – Ksh281,350

Education Arts

Kisii University – Ksh283,135
University of Nairobi – Ksh263,000

Education Science

University of Nairobi  – Ksh334,000
Kisii University – Ksh295,885


University of Nairobi – Ksh261,000 
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology – Ksh238,208

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