MP Caleb Amisi Reports Death Threats
MP Caleb Amisi Reports Death Threats
Caleb Amisi, the MP for Saboti, revealed on Monday that he had received multiple phone calls and messages from unidentified individuals purporting to be a politician, threatening to take his life.The MP accused the person he said was the cause of his problems after reporting the case to the Kitale police station based on information from the Occurrence Book (OB) that he had shared on social media.
“It has been reported to the relevant authority that my life is in danger, including this morning. I have given all the details and information necessary for action to be taken,” he stated in a post.According to the threats he was receiving, the MP added that the politician, whom he did not name was after him since he (Amisi) was not attending the said individuals’ rallies.
“I’m told I’m the only MP in this country who doesn’t go to events hosted by a certain well-known leader, and I should be punished,” Amisi continued.Amisi issued a warning, saying that from now on he would handle threats himself and would no longer be reporting them.
He declared that from now on, he would ask for permission to wipe out every person who followed him with the secret goal of trying to kill him.He forewarned, “You will soon cry out the name of whoever sent you.” The MP also issued a warning, saying that he would be disclosing information on the individuals who had been threatening him on a regular basis.He said, “I’m still gathering more evidence and will soon provide evidence of all the intimidation I continue to receive on a daily basis, from phone calls to WhatsApp messages.”
In addition, the second-term Saboti MP is a member of the Parliament’s Defence and Foreign Relations Committee.In the August 2022 election, Caleb Amisi stood on the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) platform to retain his seat as Saboti’s member of parliament.