TSC Releases New Teacher Promotion Dates
TSC Releases New Teacher Promotion Dates
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will begin conducting statewide interviews for primary school teachers to be promoted next week. 36,505 promotion positions were posted in September 2023, and the TSC intends to fill them. Sub-counties will host these interviews.The primary school teacher interviews are set to take place between December 4 and December 15, 2023. C1 instructors will be competing for 10,819 Senior Teacher II (C2) spots in ordinary schools and 700 slots in special schools.
The original national identification card, academic and professional certificates, appointment letters to the current grade and post, the last three years’ analyzed subject results from the KCPE/KCSE Examinations, certification from TSC County Directors/Sub County Directors, and performance appraisal reports for 2020, 2021, and 2022 are among the required documents for the December promotion interviews.
In an effort to fill one of the 36,505 positions, around 150,000 elementary and secondary school teachers have been selected for interviews. Interviews for secondary school teachers are scheduled for January 3–16, 2024.
C2 teachers will compete for 3,040 Senior Teacher I (C3) positions in ordinary primary schools and 346 slots for special schools during the secondary school interviews. In ordinary primary schools, 1,930 Deputy Headteacher II (C4) positions will be filled by C3 teachers.For 1,049 Headteacher posts in C5 for conventional primary schools and 30 for special schools, deputy headteachers in C4 will compete. The record number of teachers who were shortlisted for promotion by TSC makes this interview significant.
There is a lack of teachers in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) and other hard-to-staff locations because of the abundance of educational institutions, high enrollment, and variety of courses offered in those counties. According to Macharia, TSC promotions are based on standards that take into account elements such fund availability, open jobs, candidate aptitude, job performance, seniority, experience, annual performance records, and academic achievements.