TSC to Recruit 20 000 More Teachers in 2024
TSC to Recruit 20 000 More Teachers in 2024
Kenya’s overall budget now totals Sh3.93 trillion after an increase of Sh187 billion. An extra Sh62.1 billion has been given to the Ministry of Education for a number of uses.
1. Sh29 billion will be used to fund scholarships for college freshmen.
2. The Teachers Service Commission would use Sh20 billion to hire new teachers (TSC).
3. Sh4 billion would be allocated for TVET, or technical and vocational education.
4. Junior schools to receive Sh4.5 billion.
This budget update does, however, include cuts across the board, including a notable Sh42 billion cut from development funding. The budget for affordable housing has been slashed by Sh13 billion, and investment on road construction has been trimmed by Sh21 billion.
Notable additions to the modifications are:
– A Sh18.5 billion decrease in National Treasury spending.A reduction of Sh5.4 billion in the State Department of Medical Services’ budget.
– An increase of Sh145.5 billion in Consolidated Fund Services (CFS), which covers costs for commissions, state officer salaries, pensions, and other expenses. A large amount of this increase is probably going toward paying down Kenya’s debt.
– An rise in recurrent spending of Sh83.75 billion, which goes toward things like payroll and overhead.Furthermore, funds have been set aside for particular initiatives and subsidies:
– An additional Sh14 billion was allocated for the national food stockpile and the fertilizer subsidy program.
– Sh4 billion added for advance payment to coffee farmers, with coffee farmers set to receive Sh80 per kilo of cherry, up from the current Sh20.
– Sh3.5 billion added to pay oil marketers, as the government owes Sh46 billion to oil marketers for fuel subsidy.