SRC grants additional allowances, teachers’ incomes are increasing
SRC grants additional allowances, teachers’ incomes are increasing
Recently, the Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA), commonly known as the Travel Allowance, rates for all civil officials, including teachers, underwent significant adjustments by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC). The main goal of these modifications is to guarantee that people receive enough reimbursement for their travel-related expenses.
This program, which is described in a circular with the SRC President’s personal signature on August 7, 2023, is applicable to all urban centers, district capitals, and different cities. Let’s now get into the details of the numerous revisions for teacher assessment categories:
The new daily allowance is established 6,300 Ksh for educators at levels B5 (primary school teacher II) and C1 (secondary school teacher III, lecturer III, primary school teacher I).
levels of C2, C3, C4, and C5 teachers Daily allowance adjustments will also affect teachers at levels C2 (junior high school teacher II, elementary school teacher SNE II, lecturer II, middle school teacher II), C3 (secondary school teacher I, lecturer I, SNE I-elementary teacher, SNE II-high school teacher, middle school teacher I), C4 (Lecturer IV, Lecturer IV, Senior SNE Teacher – Primary, SNE Teacher I – Secondary, Deputy Director II), and C5 (Master III).D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5 level educatorsD1 (Master II, Principal III, Principal, Senior Instructor II, Program Support Officer I), D2 (Senior Director II, Senior I, Lecturer I), D3 (Director, Deputy Director I), D4 (senior director), and D5 (director) senior educator levels will now earn an additional daily allowance of KSh 14000
In the public sector, DSA (domestic and international tourism) and working group allowances, as well as internal organizing committee session allowances, are all superseded by this SRC directive. This extensive review’s goal is to create a just and open remuneration system for public servants in order to minimize the need for travel for official business.