Pastor locked himself in lion’s den offered trip
Pastor locked himself in lion’s den offered trip
A pastor who barricaded himself in a lion’s den was offered a tour by Kasarani Member of Parliament Ronald Karauri on Wednesday. To carry out a Bible narrative in which Daniel was thrown into a den of lions but survived, the preacher had barricaded himself inside a lion’s den.
In order to observe lions in the wild, Karauri now wants to take the pastor who has been identified as Daniel to the Maasai Mara. I offer to pay all expenses to take him to the Masai Mara. He can go for a walk with the lions while we search for them, Karauri suggested.
In the now popular video, the preacher can be seen cuddling up to three lions. The pastor keeps provoking the lions to attack while they are still restrained. He reportedly gathered his church members to watch the event before shutting himself up with the wild cats.
The preacher reportedly put his hand in the lion’s mouth while stunned onlookers who were thought to be members of his congregation watched. The pastor’s decision to accept the MP’s invitation to interact with lions in their natural environment in Mara is still up in the air. Even if the pastor accepted the offer, it is highly doubtful that the national park’s administration would approve of such a risky prank.
Conservationists have criticized individuals in the past for pulling antics that put the lives of wild creatures in jeopardy. Even when they appear peaceful, the campaigners claimed that lions are unpredictable predators.