The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will halt transfers . As well as leave requests for teachers in order to design and oversee the 2023 national exams.
Currently, educators are receiving training on how to administer and monitor: the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) . And the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).Also the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). Around 1,415,315 applicants will sit for the KCPE exam, and another 903,260 will sit for the KCSE exam. Additionally, 1,282,574 Grade Six pupils will take the KPSEA.
However, TSC will begin mass transfers of teachers in December for those with suitable replacements.
Ezekiel Machogu, the education minister, stated last month that 26,871 teachers have not yet been transferred back to their home counties as a result of a lack of suitable placements.
Only 20,055 of the 46,926 primary and secondary school teachers who had applied to return to their home counties as of June 30 had been successful.
The TSC will ensure that the station the teacher is leaving has a suitable replacement and that the station to which the teacher has requested a transfer has a vacancy, Mr. Machogu said in front of the Senate.
The CS claims that TSC practiced delocalization, whereby teachers were moved to institutions other than their original settings to: encourage national unity and integration, avoid conflicts of interest in school administration, and address teacher shortages in some regions of the nation.
According to the CS, TSC is in charge of making sure that there are suitable openings and replacements. In addition a balance of staff across the country before a transfer is approved . After a teacher seeks a transfer to a county of their choosing.
Mr. Machogu claims that the commission is conducting a systematic and coordinated evaluation of transfer requests. He continued by saying that it is a big problem, especially for principals, to find suitable replacements.
He continued by saying that it is a big problem, especially for principals, to find suitable replacements.