TSC Announces New Teacher Allowances For 2024–2025
TSC Announces New Teacher Allowances For 2024–2025
TSC Releases New 2024–2025 Teacher Allowances. Teacher allowance rates are regularly updated by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).
Following a TSC promotion, allowances are modified based on the most recent Job Group (Grade). TSC offers several possibilities for allowances to teachers.
Teachers receive these stipends in addition to their monthly pay. TSC’s allowances are determined by a number of elements, including the workstation, the tasks assigned to each teacher, their employment grade, and the kinds of pupils they train.
The table at the bottom of this article provides a breakdown of all TSC allowances by job group. While the majority of allowances are given on a monthly basis, some are not.
An explanation of the many kinds of allowances that TSC provides can be found below.
Automatic allowances include:
Medical (No longer paid to teachers; deducted and paid directly to Minet insurance and another is given to the NHIF)
- Commuter
- Hardship
- Leave allowance
- House Allowance
House allowance is paid on a monthly basis to all teachers. It is paid on two criteria; Job grade and workstation. Teachers in higher job groups earn a higher house allowance than those in lower cadres.
The Salaries and remuneration commission, SRC, has also clustered teachers’ workstations into four regions
Nairobi, Former Major Municipalities (Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Nyeri, Eldoret, Thika, Kisii, Malindi, and Kitale),
Other former Municipalities; Ruiru, Kikuyu, Kitui, Machakos, Mlolongo, Athi River, Vihiga, Wote, Mumias, Bomet, Limuru, Kericho, Kimilili, Kakamega, Kapsabet, Kiambu, Bungoma, Webuye, Busia, Runyenjes, Migori, Embu, Homa Bay, Lodwar, Meru, Nyahururu, Nanyuki, Maua, Voi, Siaya, Chuka and Kerugoya/ Kutus
Teachers working in Nairobi draw the largest amount of house allowance whereas those plying their trade in reserves (other areas) receive the lowest amounts.
TSC Announces New Teacher Allowances For 2024–2025
TSC provides monthly hardship grant to teachers who work in high-risk, insecure environments with extreme weather. The commission has classified a number of places as difficult.
The allowance is paid according to a teacher’s grade. Those in higher job grades earn more than their counterparts in lower cadres.
Commuter Allowance
Commuter allowance is paid to all teachers on a monthly basis. Payment of this allowance is solely dependent on the teacher’s job group.
Leave Allowance
Leave allowance is a yearly allowance paid together with the January Salary of the preceding year. It is given as per a teacher’s grade; with those in higher job grades earning more.
Allowances paid on the application include:
Responsibility Allowance
This is paid to head teachers, deputy head teachers, and senior teachers who are at Job Group K and below.
Special duty allowance
Readers allowance
This is paid to a visually impaired teacher who has engaged a reader whose minimum qualification is not below KCSE D+/KCE Division III. The allowance is paid at a fixed rate determined from time to time by the commission.
Also called facilitation or aid allowance, the reader’s allowance is paid at a rate of Sh15,000 per month to blind teachers and those confined to wheelchairs by virtue of their disability.
Interpreters Allowance
This is payable to deaf teachers who engage interpreters while on study leave. Special school allowance -This is paid to teachers specializing in special needs education and who have been deployed to teach in special schools or units.
Transfer Allowance
This is payable to teachers who have been transferred from one workstation to another, provided the transfer is initiated by the Commission. It is equivalent to a teacher’s basic pay for one month.
Reimbursable Expenses
The commission reimburses the following expenses to teachers
Traveling expenses:
The teacher is eligible for reimbursement only in the following circumstances;
Where a teacher’s interdiction has been revoked.
While traveling to attend an interview
Traveling to a station on first posting outside the home District
Traveling from duty station outside home District on retirement
Teachers working in hardship areas traveling to and from home during school holidays. The teacher’s home District must be outside the hardship area. Teachers should apply on prescribed forms attaching supporting documents.
The daily quote
This is a daily stipend for subsistence that educators receive when working on official projects. It is necessary to apply at least 14 days in advance of the trip.