Some Teachers To Miss July Phase 2 Salary Increase
Some Teachers To Miss July Phase 2 Salary Increase
In around three months, a number of TSC instructors will be assessed for phase 2 salary increments or payrises across different job groups.
This is consistent with the CBA agreement, wherein the employer of teachers and union officials collaborated to raise compensation in two phases.
The first phase of the CBA went into effect in July 2023 and is still in effect today. The full implementation of the CBA is scheduled for July 2024.
The employer of teachers claims that the pay increase for teachers is a noteworthy advancement in the education sector since it raises teachers’ standards of well-being and motivation.
Teachers’ pay increments are clearly reflected in the TSC phase 2 salary structure, which is built based on different job categories and degrees of experience.
In addition, the salary increment demonstrates a commitment witnessed within the commission in recognizing the credible contribution of educators and also addressing concerns related to compensation within teaching staffs.
The teachers’ roles are key in ensuring change of the phase of the next generation by imparting the required knowledge and skills to the learners.
As a result, the need for fair and competitive salaries compensation is essential for attracting and retaining talent in the teaching profession since this motivates them.
It also promotes the welfare of educators and the pupils under their charge, as well as the general standard of education. Giving teachers raises through promotions is another way to motivate them.
In addition, over 5,900 jobs have been opened up for teachers who have obtained graduate degrees in order to advance to the many junior schools across the country.