Fake Schools Uncovered Siphoning JSS Capitation
Fake Schools Uncovered Siphoning JSS Capitation
Regarding allegations of pervasive corruption in the distribution of capitation monies to Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) throughout Kenya, the Parliament has voiced grave concerns. The Budget and Appropriations Committee brought attention to the fact that these funds have been given to multiple bogus schools at the expense of actual, registered institutions.
During a public hearing on the planned financial budget for Gilgil town in 2024–2025, this issue was raised. The meeting exposed the diversion of monies meant for legitimate schools to “briefcase” establishments, causing havoc with the educational system. The current JSS teacher strike, in which they are demanding more compensation and have put an end to instruction in numerous schools, has been made worse by this circumstance.
According to Gilgil MP Martha Wangari, the money diversion had a major negative impact on education, making it difficult for the impacted institutions to pay their employees or buy the food and supplies they needed. She asked Ezekiel Machogu, the cabinet secretary for education, to act right now to address the problem.
Wangari drew attention to the fact that public schools have been adversely harmed by low state funding, which has resulted in overcrowded classrooms and inadequate infrastructure to handle the growing student population.
Wangari emphasized the inadequate infrastructure in her district, which was made worse by persistent rains that destroyed important roads and bridges, in addition to the financial problems. Given that several schools were inundated or completely destroyed by the rain, she urged the government to provide emergency funding for the restoration of the damaged infrastructure.
The committee intends to work on a supplemental budget to offer emergency cash for infrastructure repairs, according to Representative Rahab Mukami of Nyeri Women. In order to mitigate the damage caused by floods, this supplemental budget places a higher priority on roads, schools, and senior citizen aid.
The main issues facing citizens, according to Baringo colleague Florence Jematiah, were infrastructure and education, as they discovered during their trips to 11 counties. She said that an extra Ksh 100 million would be included in the supplemental budget for counties like Nakuru to use for different initiatives.
The chairman of Gilgil’s Kenya Primary School Heads Association (KEPSHA), Joshua Mutahi, stated that the area’s public schools need require infrastructural restoration. These lawmakers’ combined efforts, together with the supplemental budget, are intended to address the urgent problems of corruption, insufficient money, and infrastructure degradation in the education sector.