Knut fails yet again to push its case on teachers

Knut fails yet again to push its case on teachers

Knut fails yet again to push its case on teachers

For the third time, the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) has been unable to  successfully pursue their lawsuit against the Teachers Service Commission on  tutor employment and advancement.

The National Assembly Education committee, led by Tinderet MP Julius Melly,  requested information from Knut on Tuesday regarding the number of teachers  who had been acting teachers for longer than six months.

The MPs also wanted the union to give a detailed proposal that would guide the teachers promotion.

Knut was also expected to give a detailed financial implication as well as teachers acting as heads of institutions, which they claimed did not benefit from salary increase.

In their presentation KNUT was also put to task to tabulate teachers moved to junior secondary and who are not earning recommended pay.

However, when the Union’s Secretary Collins Oyuu spoke said TSC is best suited to provide detailed data, defeating the purpose of their appearance before the committee.

MPs took a jab at Oyuu, faulting his ill-preparedness to pitch his case before them.

Melly accused Oyuu of not showing commitment in addressing the challenges facing teachers even as he requested an audience with MPs.

You speak for the teachers, who are expected to be aware of their issues and  provide appropriate guidance.

The late Adongo knew everything there was to know about union matters. Melly remarked, “We cannot accept your position; you must provide parallel material  to the commission.

According to Oyuu’s presentation, the TSC is the only centralized organization that  has the authority to gather and compile this kind of data and information.

According to TSC documents, Knut has since confirmed, according to Oyuu,  that 1,011 teachers in job group M (C5) had complained about not being promoted  to work group M/N (D1).

Oyuu said the complaints came from senior graduate teachers, senior approved teachers and senior ordinary diploma teachers, after vetting, only 310 teachers qualified for promotion.

He accused TSC of promoting teachers to serve in acting capacity knowing well they are not qualified.

MPs however said the union had not done enough to enlighten teachers on what is required in the next job group before taking the offer.

Melly said the union failed to raise issues with the committee as a matter of concern.

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