Parents protest Over Extortion Demand From Principals

Parents protest Over Extortion Demand From Principals

Parents protest Over Extortion Demand From Principals

Concerns over demands made by school  administrations at the resumption of the  school year and the high school admissions  process have been voiced by parents.

Concerned parents brought up concerns on Thursday regarding requirements like  the mountains of paper that are now required for most schools’ admissions  processes.

According to the parents who took to X (formely Twitter), the schools are demanding reams of paper per student, with some schools demanding more than one ream per student.

The parents raised questions, on the issue noting that the reams of paper demanded should be part of the school’s administration budget.

Journalist Saddique Shabann, who is well-known, expressed outrage over the situation, saying that secondary schools in  Kenya are forcing parents to buy printing paper. Shaban bemoaned the situation, pointing out that during school acceptance, the  reams of paper demanded were given precedence over school expenses.

Shaban continued, “The first item to be checked even before school fees  payment.” Furthermore, some parents are complaining about the demands, claiming that  some of these documents are subsequently sold to dishonest businesspeople  for a profit  by corrupt school authorities.

The parents claim that the business folks purchase the reams of paper. Businesspeople purchase a ream of paper for Ksh 450, and then they resell it to  customers for Ksh 750–800.

The parents are now asking for a reassessment of the educational requirements  after characterizing these requests as a criminal operation.

Some people have, however, supported the demands of the schools by pointing out  that although they receive government funds late in the year, they are still supposed  to function normally.

A statement submitted by an individual in favor of the schools’ requests, highlighted  that “Once you get into the system you will realise that last year’s capitation to  schools was disbursed towards the end of the year”.

This implies that school administrators had to find a way to keep the schools open  for the entire school year. Smith Hempstone continued, “Tests being printed, kids eating, exams.”

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