3359 Schools Run Without Heads
3359 Schools Run Without Heads
According to the most recent data, there are presently 1,918 primary schools and 1,441 secondary schools without a principal or head teacher, respectively, which is a worrying scenario. The entire efficacy and management of these educational institutions are seriously questioned in light of this leadership void, which has an immediate negative influence on the standard of instruction given to pupils.
The teachers Service Commission (TSC) acknowledges this problem and points to a lack of qualified instructors for leadership positions, which has resulted in the appointment of acting heads. The CEO of TSC, Nancy Macharia, highlights that acting appointments are made in cases where competent candidates with the necessary training and experience are not available for full-time roles.
Macharia notes that one major barrier adding to the leadership conundrum is the registration process for new schools. The purpose of the next promotion interviews, which are set for December 4–6, is to assess candidates; however, some have expressed worries with the employer of the instructor appearing to be uninterested in the promotion process.
Macharia clarifies that the commission resorts to acting administrators due to the absence of government funds allocated for promoting teachers to lead newly established schools. Despite a government allocation of Sh1 billion, the TSC recently posted 36,505 job openings for promotions in November, with primary school teachers being eligible for 17,914 positions.
During her Senate evidence, Macharia argues in favor of the strict and tough promotion requirements, stressing that only individuals who successfully complete a demanding process are appointed as head teachers and deputies.