P1 teachers exempted from CBC retooling in October
P1 teachers exempted from CBC retooling in October
This group of teachers was spared by TSC from CBC retooling in October. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has decided to exclude primary school teachers assigned to junior secondary school (JSS) classes from the training scheduled to begin next week.
The board assigned roughly 7,400 eligible teachers to educate 7th graders in the beginning of March of this year.
Only instructors who have recently been hired as JSS instructors will take part in the training from October 9 to October 13, according to TSC. About 56,000 teachers of the 7th grade will start receiving training for the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) on Monday. Dr. Nancy Macharia praised the educators taking part in this activity for adapting to check CBC compliance while also keeping an eye on their regular academic activities.
During a speech commemorating World Teachers’ Day at the Kenya Government School in Nairobi, Macharia made this statement.TSC commends all preschool and primary school educators who successfully implemented CBC and are actively assisting Kenyan students in acquiring foundational knowledge and morals.Language, science, math, humanities, and technical teachers are some of the major topics that will be under their supervision during the realignment.
The commission informed TSC regional and district directors of the aforementioned training program in a memo dated September 26.The district’s teacher training colleges (TTCs) and other academic institutions will provide middle school instructors with their education.
The process of training teachers for the 7th grade will start on October 9 and remain through October 13. The Kenya Institute of Special Education, TSC Master Trainers, KICD, KNEC, KEMI, CEMASTEA, MOE, and including taxes, have previously documented TSC’s Master Trainer and Trainer in Training (TOT) training program.