In primary and secondary schools, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has listed openings for permanent and pensionable replacement teachers. According to the Public Officer Ethics Act and the TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics, the standards provide a transparent and responsible hiring procedure.
The Commission is accepting applications from suitably qualified teachers for the jobs indicated below in accordance with the Teachers Career Progression Guidelines.Following the advertisement, the Regional Director, Nairobi, County Directors, and Sub-County Directors must conduct the hiring procedures for the stated teacher recruiting vacancies.To apply, candidates must do so online at Teachers Service Commission Secretary.
Submitting academic and professional credentials as well as other pertinent paperwork for positions that have been posted in schools or counties.
In accordance with the TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics and the Public Officer Ethics Act (CoCE, 2015),The Selection Panel is expected to uphold the highest standards of accountability and transparency.TSC County Directors must first be installed by TSC Regional Directors, who then install Selection Panel members.before the selection procedure starts, on pertinent provisions of the Act and the Code of Regulations for Teachers.
The selection process must be accessible to candidates with disabilities, and TSC Sub-County Directors and TSC County Directors are responsible for making this guarantee.Candidates whose names have changed on diplomas or identification cards must provide an affidavit that has been solemnized in accordance with Kenya’s Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act, Cap 15.The system-generated Applicants’ List will be distributed to TSC Sub-County Directors by the TSC County Director.Who will form a Sub-County Selection Panel(s) to shortlist up to five applicants per advertised vacancy.
Applicants will be invited for document verification and will be notified of the;interview location,date,and time via the TSC Website at least seven days after publication.
Upon receiving an interview invitation, applicants are required to provide originals and clear photocopies of the following documents:
National identification card
Certificate of Registration as a teacher
Diploma/Degree certificate and official transcripts
KCSE certificates or their equivalent (include certificates for attempts if one re-sat exam)
KCPE certificate or its equivalent (include certificates for attempts if one re-sat exams KCPE certificate or it’s equivalent (include certificates for attempts if one re-sat exam)
Primary and Secondary School leaving certificates and other relevant testimonials
National Council of Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) Card (where applicable)
An Affidavit is sworn under the Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act, Cap 15 of the Laws of Kenya to explain the variance in names
Letter of certification of results by KNEC (where applicable).Persons with disabilities shall be required to indicate their disability status together with the nature of disabilities to inform their placement.
The Commission shall ensure that 5% of all the advertised slots are reserved for the recruitment of teachers with disabilities by the provisions of the Constitution and the Law.In the event of a tie, consideration for selection will be determined as per the order of priority shown hereunder: length of Stay since graduation, Strength of academic and professional certificates presented.