SRC Terminates Six Allowances as  Austerity Drive Picks Up Speed

SRC Terminates Six Allowances as Austerity Drive Picks Up Speed

SRC Terminates Six Allowances as Austerity Drive Picks Up Speed

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) stated on Monday that it would soon halt the payment of a number of state officer bonuses. The new SRC directive will have broad repercussions and have an impact on civil workers in various job groups that work for numerous Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs).

Plenary sitting allowance, ministerial allowance, and taxable automobile allowance are a few of the payments that will no longer be paid.Others include taskforce allowances for institutional internal committees, sitting allowances for institutional internal committees, and retreat allowances.

The six allowances, according to the SRC, were no longer valid. As the commission suggested eliminating the provision for MPs and Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) to attend plenary sessions, Members of Parliament threatened to dissolve SRC in August 2022.

The MPs stated that because they get allowances for at least four sittings per week, this would have a significant impact on their income. Public employees who take part in special assignments receive the retreat allowance, under an SRC circular published in August 2023. State officers who create policy documents away from their offices are the only ones who are given the allowance.

The SRC provided the argument that since a staff member’s competencies are determined during the hiring process, there is no need for further allowances that don’t provide value for the tax payer.SRC additionally stated that giving Members of the Institutional Internal Committee Sitting Allowance jointly on top of their base salaries amounted to paying them twice as much remuneration.

According to SRC, internal institution task forces have been established to carry out the institution’s mission. In order to reduce the nation’s spiraling salary costs, President William Ruto said in June 2023 that SRC should seek into measures to reduce compensation for senior state officials.

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