Tough Rules to curb Exam Leakage
Tough Rules to curb Exam Leakage
The Principal Secretary for Basic Education, Dr. Belio Kipsang, has asked educators to restore faith in society by carrying out this year’s national examinations honestly. He underlined the significance of instructors getting test scripts from collection points, taking tests, and handing back answers without worrying about tampering.
Dr. Kipsang stressed the significance of addressing the trust gap that has grown in how the teaching profession manages national exams. He made a contrast and suggested that exams should be handled by professors in a manner similar to how doctors handle patients, without the involvement of security personnel.
These comments were made by Dr. Kipsang to field education authorities and National Government Administration personnel from the Coast Region during a meeting at Mombasa’s Shimo La Tewa Secondary School.
Mr. Lucas Chebet, the Coast Region Director of Education, Dr. Elyas Abdi, Director General, and County and subcounty County Directors from the whole Coast region were among those present.Dr. Kipsang gave his word that the ministry would take action to uphold the validity of national exams. He emphasized the significance of taking precautions against fraud in order to improve the validity, reliability, and trustworthiness of these tests.
In addition, Dr. Kipsang expressed disapproval of school administrators taxing parents illegally to pay for remedial instruction, which he believed was unnecessary and unlawful. He stated that the allotted time for instruction gave pupils enough time to learn the material they would need for exams.Dr. Kipsang condemned these additional fees as a hardship on parents and pointed out how they harm the standing of remedial instruction. He also expressed concern over a rise in student misbehavior in schools and underlined the necessity for tough measures against troublemakers and property damage perpetrators.He did advise school administration to interact with students more generally in order to address the issues that contribute to unrest and property destruction.