Mandatory CBC Training, dates and location
Mandatory CBC Training, dates and location
All faculty members registered with the Teachers Services Commission (TSC) will need to finish a one-year mandatory training program at schools beginning in April 2024 to get ready for revisions to the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). It is yet unknown if the government or the teachers themselves will pay for this training.This suggestion is part of a draft report that the Presidential Task Force on Education Reform (PWPER) sent to President William Ruto at the State House.
Ruto has put the task force’s proposals for educational reforms into action, emphasizing the importance of retraining teachers to adapt to curriculum changes. The Committee suggests that the Department of Education develop regulations that would permit all professors who received their degrees prior to 2023 to take part in this one-year retooling and upgrading program that is required to stay up with curriculum changes.
The chair of the task force, Professor Raphael Munavu, advocates the development of intensive programs for teaching staff as a way to prepare for competency-based teacher preparation.
The task force also suggested that candidates for beginning teacher education programs obtain a minimum grade of C (simple) in order to boost the quantity and quality of instructors entering the field. The Early Childhood Teacher Education Certificate, Secondary Teacher Education Certificate, Special Education Certificate, and Certificate of Special Education training for technical instructors are among the additional prerequisite courses that are all required to receive a C (single). The proposal also suggests creating the Kenya Teacher Training College (KeTTC) to supervise all Teacher Training Institutes (TTC) as the basis in order to optimise the usage and allocation of resources.
Furthermore, the report recommends the establishment of the Kenya School of Teacher Education and Management (KeSTEM) as a corporate body to conduct all on-the-job training sessions for managers of educational institutions.
With the use of resources supplied by the Kenya Teacher Training College (KeTTC), KeSTEM will also assist instructors with continuing professional development (CPD). It’s crucial to keep in mind that university senates will continue to decide what qualifications applicants must have for Bachelor of Education programs. The Teacher Service Commission will also give graduates of pre-service education programs the chance to take part in a required internship program that lasts a full year. Since its start, the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) has faced a variety of difficulties, such as junior secondary (JS) teacher shortages and problems with lecturer pay scales.
Studies show that, as of January July 2023, a sizable fraction of talented elementary instructors had not applied for middle school teaching positions, despite TSC’s efforts to acquire more elementary teachers. Teachers will be quickly informed of the training venues for each district so they may make preparations.