TSC Urged to Review Teachers Promotion Processes
TSC Urged to Review Teachers Promotion Processes
The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) has urged that the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) reevaluate the promotion system and execute it in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and the Scheme of Service (SOS). These rules place a premium on variables such as performance, seniority, and merit.
The TSC, on the other hand, has slammed the KNUT’s report as deceptive and erroneous. They claim to have promoted over 100,000 teachers since 2017 and to be in the process of promoting another 32,000 instructors who applied in April 2023.
The TSC, on the other hand, has defended the CPG as a means of improving professionalism and quality in education3. According to the TSC, the CPG are compatible with the competency-based curriculum (CBC) and the framework for teacher professional development (TPD).
Furthermore, the TSC has stated its intention to resolve any disagreements with the KNUT through conversations and consultations. They are open to revising the promotion process as long as it does not jeopardize the teaching profession’s norms and expectations.