2024 January BoM job Vacancies

2024 January BoM job Vacancies

2024 January BoM job Vacancies

The following schools seeks to employ teachers on BoM terms . Interviews be done early January 2024.

St. Johns Girls Secondary School in Kaloleni Sub County seeks to employ teachers with the following subject combinations on BOM terms:
1.Biology / Agriculture ,Kiswahili / IRE ,Chemistry / Phys ,Mathematics / Chemistry

Applicants MUST have TSC no’s. and should submit their applications & relevant documents by 3rd January 2024 to D.O.S 0726694286. School email : johnspekee@gmail.com. Interviews to be done on 5th January,2024
Thank you.

Hello colleagues I need a teacher in any of the following subjects from Kisii to get direct employment at Giachere Sec special on P&P terms.1. Chem, Math, KSL2. Physics,KSL ,–3.B/ST, KSL,—-NB —- STANDS FOR ANY OTHER SUBJECT EXCEPT KISWAHILI

Kabati Flyover School in muranga wishes to recruit 2 kiswahili/cre teachers.
Should be diploma or graduate.
*Apply for interviews on 02/01/2024.
Contact 0722987907

PCEA Mutuguni Day Sec.is in need of a Hist/Kisw teacher,meeting the TSC qualifications.appliation
letters to be received in the office before 5th Jan 2024.
Call 0728067836
Manywanda Mixed in Seme, Kisumu County seeks to employ Hist/Cre teacher on BOM terms at ksh 15,000 per month.
The teacher should be on duty by 8/1/2024.
Kindly refer such ateacher to 0724042531.

We hereby advertise for the teaching job vacancies below:

  1. Bio/Chem
  2. Geo/Business std
  3. English Literature
  4. Arabic/IRE


  1. Degree/ Diploma in Educ. (from a recognized instn.)
  2. TSC cert. holder.
  3. Expe. with candidate classes.
  4. Expe. of atleast 3/5 years and above in teaching.

Interviews shall be held on 2nd, Jan, 2024 at 9.00am.

Contact us through: 0726-650808/ 0724428044.

St.Ann High School needs A History/Cre teacher required under BOM terms.
1.Must be 35 years and below
2.Must have tsc number
3.Willing to work under terms and conditions of Board of Directors

Send documents and testmonials thro’ whatsapp 0714943058

Manywanda Mixed in Seme, Kisumu County seeks to employ Hist/Cre teacher on BOM terms at ksh 15,000 per month.
The teacher should be on duty by 8/1/2024.
Kindly refer such ateacher to 0724042531.
Igikiro day sec school(in Murang’a South Sub County ) is in need of 1.Chem/ Phy

  1. English
    teacher to employ on BOM terms. Must be TSC registered.
    Contact 0724902977
    Kindly refer.

RIFT VALLEY ADVENTIST SECONDARY is for advertising a position of an Agriculture/ Biology teacher on BOM terms. Interested person to contact principal : 0705042533- via what’s app. On on before Wednesday 3rd January 2024

NGUTINI secondary school wishes to invites applicants for Maths/ Chem teacher, TSC compliant ,call 0724725921(Principal).

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