Kenyan Cycling for 16 Hours From Kisii to Nairobi

Kenyan Cycling for 16 Hours From Kisii to Nairobi

Kenyan Cycling for 16 Hours From Kisii to Nairobi

On Christmas Day, a Kenyan cycling enthusiast decided to test his strength and endurance by taking on the seemingly impossible challenge of cycling from Kisii to Nairobi.The biker known online as Siro Fits shared his journey with Kenyans to demonstrate the extent he had to go to accomplish this achievement, which he views as incredible given that he had failed at it multiple times previously.

“Cycling from Kisii to Nairobi in a day to me is mental empowerment that comes from defying gravity, traffic, the sun, winds, and personal comfort,” he remarked in a statement.As outlined in his itinerary, the cyclist began his journey at around 4 am on Christmas, and 310 kilometres later he was in Nairobi a few minutes past midnight.

Fellow bikers who witnessed his expedition praised him for his discipline and  perseverance, acknowledging the difficulty of the endeavor. “I respect your discipline, I’d honestly take a detour, 30 minutes before leaving the  town for some refreshments, just to reassess my commitments in life then  postpone that trip,” said one.

The rider cautioned his friends not to attempt the same without enough planning or assistance, pointing out that such a journey demands a significant amount of mental toughness.He stopped along the way in Bomet, Narok, and Mai Mahiu to refuel and acquire refreshments so that he could continue to travel at his best physical state.

The rider claimed that negotiating mountainous terrain was one of the biggest difficulties he encountered on the trip, especially when traveling from Kericho into the Rift Valley. This section has to be traveled at an elevation of about thirty kilometers.”The 30 kilometre from Narok to Ntulele became a relentless series of ups and downs, with headwinds eagerly sapping my dwindling energy after each climb,” he wrote.

He rode in close behind vehicles through the escarpments to minimize drag and resistance and to assure his safety.His resolve to go on long-distance walking or bicycle trips is not unusual; more and more people are taking up the challenge and seeing how far they can push themselves.

To raise money for the Kibra Charity Walk, media personality Cynthia Nyamai set off on a trek from Mombasa to Nairobi in early December, traversing 488 kilometers in 14 days.A French YouTuber traveled more than 9,500 kilometers on bicycle from France to Kenya in October; because of his stops along the way, the journey took him two years.

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