46 Master’s Graduates Scramble for 2 Govt Jobs
46 Master’s Graduates Scramble for 2 Govt Jobs
About 71 Kenyans applied for just two positions in the Media Council of Kenya, which is under the Ministry of ICT, according to information released by the Ministry in the Tuesday My Gov issue.
According to the ministry’s notification, 65 applicants were vying for the post of member of the complaints panel, while six job seekers filed for the chairperson position.
The person in charge of the chair will have six team members under their direction who will mediate or decide conflicts between the public and the media as well as between the government and the media. William Oketch, the present chairperson, will be replaced by the incoming individual.
Per the commissions. guidelines the chairperson must be a person who holds a judicial office in Kenya or who is an advocate of the High Court of Kenya of not less than 10 years standing.
On the other hand, a member must have knowledge and experience in any one of these areas, journalism, media policy and law, media regulation, business practice and finance, the performing arts or entertainment, advertising practice or related social sciences.
One of the members’ roles includes ensuring the adherence to high standards of journalism as provided for in the code of conduct for the practice of journalism in Kenya.
“In exercise of the powers conferred by section 7 (7) of the Media Council Act, the selection panel for appointment of the Chairperson and Member of the Complaints Commission publishes the names of the applicants and shortlisted candidates for the positions,” read part of the notice.
The majority of the candidates have master’s degrees in their relevant disciplines. 46 of the 71 applicants had earned a master’s degree.
Besides, there were others who had earned PhDs. Some of the applicants’ fields of practice include law, the arts, communications, business administration, international studies, information technology, and public relations, according to the Ministry of ICT’s list.
Only three of the many applications have been selected for the chairmanship, and the remaining thirty are anticipated to attend interviews for the Complaints Commission members positions.
Depending on the scheduling, all of the shortlisted candidates for the chairman job are anticipated to attend interviews on Friday, June 14 from 9 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
Conversely, the 30 applicants vying for the role of member are invited to attend interviews, which are scheduled from June 14 to June 21. During the interviews, each applicant will meet with the panel of interviewers for around 45 minutes.
All of the shortlisted candidates were notified by Daniel Waitere, the Selection Panel Chairperson, that the interviews will take place in the boardroom on the ninth level of the Ministry of ICT’s Teleposta Towers headquarters.
The original passport or identity card, all academic and professional credentials, clearances from the Higher Education Loans Board, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, the Kenya Revenue Authority, and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations must be brought with the interviewee.
In a similar turn of events, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (ODPP) received over 33,272 applications for just 180 positions in January. The government organization was hiring for positions as office assistants.
After more than 3,000 Kenyans registered for two internship places, the Youth Agenda decided to stop the application process.
The administration of President William Ruto has pledged to boost employment prospects nationwide, particularly for young people.