TSC invites applications for top jobs
TSC invites applications for top jobs
Plans to fill administrative jobs that have been empty for the past two years have been revealed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).The individuals in such roles either quit, left their jobs after reaching the statutory retirement age, or were promoted to new roles as outlined in the Career Progression Guidelines.The employer of the teachers posted an advertisement seeking applications from “qualified, experienced, results-oriented and highly motivated” people.
The directorates of staffing, human resources and development, internal auditing, information communication and technology, and teacher disciplinary management, as well as thirteen deputy directors in teacher management roles, are the ones with open positions.
Teachers simply need to be in a deputy headteacher position in Grade 3 for the remaining positions, with the exception of the deputy director, teacher management, which requires applicants to be in grade 5. (Deputy principals and senior masters).The roles are contract-based, and individuals with disabilities are urged to apply, according to the commission.
Interested applicants have until close of business on February 21, 2024, to submit their applications.In January last year, former TSC Director of Staffing Rita Wahome resigned after serving in the position for four years and four months.
Her duties were taken over by Antonina Lentoijoni who was the deputy director in the directorate of staffing.For a year now, Lentoijoni has been performing her duties in an acting capacity as head of the directorate.
Early this year, uncertainty rocked TSC after a number of senior officers resigned.Isaac Nganga, director Internal Auditor and Charles Gichira, director, ICT resigned.Dr Julius Olayo, Director Human Resource Management and Development resigned from the commission’s secretariat after serving for three years.
Later on, he would become the Deputy Director of Human Resources and Administration at Kenya Forest Services.