Thieves Steal Christmas Gifts From Church
Thieves Steal Christmas Gifts From Church
An area nonprofit is attempting to locate a Grinch in the real world.
Innovation Solutions was scheduled to distribute toys to deserving boys and girls when a break-in occurred and hundreds of gifts were taken. They now hope that Christmas can be saved by the community.”We obtain toys and we fill up a storage unit so that when Christmas time comes around every year, we are able to provide toys to all the families that we have served throughout the year, “said Farji Shaheer.
Shaheer works with families that have experienced serious trauma. Many are survivors of gun violence.”More recently, we had a rash of homicides. So working with all these families, knowing that these young men that have just lost their lives have children, regardless of they are from the Highs, the Lows, from the south side, the north side, east side, St. Paul. It don’t matter what neighborhood they are from they all have children,” said Shaheer.Shaheer says they won’t be able to help like in years past because someone took their stash of toys.
“They broke into the storage facility and then stole the cameras to the storage facility and then broke into our storage unit and removed more than half of the toys that we were going to be giving away this season,” Shaheer stated.
Video games, bikes, sleeping bags, and other items are among the items that the police claim the robbers made off with.Marques Armstrong stated, “We don’t want any families to miss out on the blessing we had planned for them.”The items were to be distributed to families at Zion Baptist Church and at neighborhood gatherings in Jordan and Camden.
“I want to talk to the people that did this. We absolve you. Although we are aware of how difficult life can be for everyone, Armstrong hoped that people would find it in their hearts to attend these gatherings and restore those items.A cry for assistance from individuals who are dedicated to serving others.Police in St. Paul are looking for the culprits aggressively. Call them if you have any information.