TSC Intern Teachers Turn a Deaf Ear to a New Rule
TSC Intern Teachers Turn a Deaf Ear to a New Rule
Junior Secondary School (JSS) intern teachers are against a new rule implemented by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) that requires them to serve a two-year term in order to become permanent and eligible for pensions. When TSC announced that confirmation on permanent terms would only occur in 2025, intern teachers were shocked.
With this new action, the practice of converting intern instructors into permanent positions with pensions after only one year of service is significantly changed.
The significant number of intern instructors hired by the Commission and the nation’s economic difficulties are blamed for the change in strategy. TSC’s Director of Staffing, Antonina Lentoijoni, and Director of Legal Affairs, Calvin Anyuor, explained to the Parliamentary Education Committee during a meeting that the 46,000 teachers hired on internship terms will automatically become permanent and eligible for pensions upon completion of their two-year term.
The Commission maintains that completion of the required two-year internship is a prerequisite for permanent status for teachers.TSC highlights that 46,000 primary and secondary school teachers, including junior secondary teachers, are currently employed by the company as interns.Many intern teachers are concerned about the proposed contract extension because they find it disheartening, especially in light of the poor compensation that is out of line with the current cost of living.
The Commission employed twenty thousand intern instructors in February and twenty thousand more in August. TSC renewed the internship contracts of 4,005 teachers whose one-year term ended in December 2021, raising the total number of intern teachers to 46,000. In January 2022, TSC assigned a total of 1,995 intern teachers to schools.A monthly salary of Kshs. 15,000 is provided to interns affiliated with primary schools, and Kshs. 20,000 is given to those in secondary schools.