KCPE and KCSE To be Different This year
KCPE and KCSE To be Different This year
Several modifications will be made starting with the KCSE 2023 exams. Both the method for gathering exams from the containers and the grading scheme will change. A new grading system for the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has been introduced by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and will be used in the year’s final KCSE exams.
Only two subjects will count for a student’s overall grade under the new grading system. Mathematics and one language, which may be either English, Kiswahili, or sign language, are these topics. The top five topics that each student achieved the best in will also be taken into account by KNEC.
With the implementation of this new system, more students should enroll in universities, TVET programs, and other educational institutions. In the past, KNEC used a grading scheme that took into account a student’s success in two other sciences, two other disciplines, English, mathematics, and kiswahili.According to the Presidential Working Committee on Education Reforms, this former grading scheme was condemned for favoring a small percentage of students.
The committee also stated that the old system’s concentration on summative tests for certification and placement caused a lot of pupils to drop out of school. Literacy was evaluated in English and Kiswahili, and numeracy in mathematics.The final KCSE exam for this year’s form four pupils will start on October 23 and end on November 24. Changes to the criterion for issuing exams have been revealed by David Njengere, CEO of the Kenya National Examinations Council.
The morning exams will be picked up first, then they will be evaluated before the second exams are collected. Principals no longer store tests in their offices to be distributed later in accordance with the schedule, as was the case in the past.The invigilation will change for the KCSE exams in 2023. Invigilators were previously elementary school teachers, but these positions have recently been given to secondary school teachers. These big adjustments will make this year’s KCSE exams unique from previous ones.