Each school is required to provide one teacher for OCS training
Each school is required to provide one teacher for OCS training
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has issued a circular to schools about the training of OCS teachers who are responsible for offering career aid throughout the country.Through a message, the TSC’s central office urged all County Directors of Education to support school principals in establishing the new Office of Career Services (OCS) within their schools following the training.
Furthermore, the TSC has mandated that after completing the training, each school plan and assign one teacher to supervise the Office of Career Services. The commission has also required teacher OCS applicants to attend mandatory TSC training sessions in their respective regions.
The State Department of Labor and Skills Development has been given responsibility to monitor skills development across several industries, according to a section of the TSC brief on OCS training. In accordance with Executive Order No. 1 of 2021, it is also responsible for developing and administering the institutional framework for linking industrial skill development and training.
In line with this, the Department is committed to fostering career advising in order to decrease skill mismatches, improve school-to-work transitions, ensure employability, and promote labor mobility. It attempts to reintegrate excluded and at-risk individuals into the country’s education and job market services.
As a result, the Department developed the National Policy Framework and established Career Services Offices.Finally, the Office of Career Services (OCS) has been established at a number of universities, the majority of national polytechnics, and technical vocational centers, and it is now being expanded to primary and secondary levels. The following obligations are outlined in the communication to county education officers:
1. Make certain that all institutions under their authority create an Office of Career Service and select an instructor to coordinate OCS operations.
2. Assist in the proper teaching of Community Service Learning (CSL) in accordance with the authorized curriculum.
3. Ensure that the letter is distributed to all institution administrators, and send input to the County Director’s office by September 10, 2023.Each school is required to provide one teacher for OCS training.