TSC C4 Replace Retiring Teachers in administration positions
TSC C4 Replace Retiring Teachers in administration positions
Teachers in primary school grades C3 and C4 are engaged in a violent conflict. When head teachers retire in July 2024, they both hope to take their places.
Furthermore, 1,025 school heads will be let go by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) as their two-year contracts expire in July.
After they reached the statutory retirement age, the Commission has 1,594 head teachers and principals under contract as of 2020.
According to Dr. Nancy Macharia, CEO of the Commission, the school heads will be discharged to make room for new hires.
However, Macharia stated that because of the stability of the schools, the Commission will keep 569 of the school heads whose contracts have been extended through December 2022.
The TSC replaced the Schemes of Service (SoS) with the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) as the system for assessing teachers following a work review in 2016.
TSC divided senior teachers into two groups and sent them to primary schools. Grade C2 is typically known as Senior Teacher II (T – Scale 7) while grade C3 is commonly known as Senior Teacher I (T – Scale 8).
Grade C2 is the entry level into the administrative cadre in primary schools.
These C2 instructors finish their three years and go on to teach C3.
However, grade C4 teachers are also deputy headteachers, or Deputy Headteacher II (T – Scale 9).
Because of their extensive expertise in managing schools, C3 and C4 teachers are qualified to replace retiring school headteachers.