Govt to Establish 2 New Colleges for Testing Teachers

Govt to Establish 2 New Colleges for Testing Teachers

Govt to Establish 2 New Colleges for Testing Teachers

Plans to establish two new schools that will provide training for teachers, administrators, and managers of basic education institutions have been revealed by the national government.The Basic Education Bill of 2024, which aims to simplify basic education’s procedures and structure, states as much.

The Kenya Teacher Training College and the Kenya School of Teacher Education and Management will be the new names for the two institutions. As to the government, basic education include teacher training institutes as well as pre-primary, primary, junior, and senior schools.

As outlined in the Bill, all teachers, managers and administrators must undergo the training whether in private or public institutions. 

Kenya Teacher Training College

According to the Bill, a person shall undertake pre-service teacher education prior to registration as a teacher under the Teachers Service Commission Act. 

“The functions of the College shall be to conduct pre-service teacher education and provide facilities for pre-service teacher education,” the Bill states.

In addition, KTTC will carry out research, offer consulting services related to pre-service teacher education, and work in conjunction with other pertinent institutions to deliver pre-service teacher education.It will be the responsibility of the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development to create the college’s programs, curricula, and supporting materials.

Furthermore, the Kenya National Assessment Council has been designated by the Ministry of Education as the organization in charge of testing teachers and subsequently awarding graduates with certificates and degrees.

The Kenya School of Teacher and Education Management

This college will be meant for education managers and administrators in basic education where they shall undergo capacity building.

The college’s main office will be in Nairobi, but the Ministry of Education reserves  the right to establish branches around the nation if needed. The Bill states that one of The School’s responsibilities will be to work with the  TSC and other pertinent government organizations to design and assess capacity-building initiatives. The college’s other role will be to work with TSC and other pertinent government  organizations to carry out capacity building for administrators, education  managers, and registered instructors in basic education. Furthermore, the institution will provide induction training to recently appointed  members of the Parents Teachers Association, Boards of Management, and  County Education Board.

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