EACC officers shot at by traffic police
EACC officers are shot at by traffic police
EACC officers are shot at by traffic police
A traffic policeman opened fire on detectives from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) on Thursday morning while conducting a roadblock search in Naivasha, Nakuru County.In a media statement, Twalib Mbarak, the CEO of EACC, revealed that anti-graft detectives were carrying out a sting operation to apprehend cops who were under suspicion of demanding bribes from drivers.
But the traffic police officer opened fire on the detectives in an attempt to avoid being arrested when the EACC investigators showed up and made their intentions apparent.Mbarak emphasized that during the procedure, none of his officers suffered any injuries. Nevertheless, the traffic cop was able to get away.
Even though EACC was working with the National Police Service (NPS) to find the officer, his whereabouts were still unknown at the time this article was published.Three additional police officers were detained throughout the procedure, though, and taken to the EACC’s Nairobi headquarters to be processed, according to Mbarak.
Following the conclusion of the investigations, the three police officers will be charged in court.”The EACC was able to conduct a raid this morning and apprehend three traffic cops who were accepting bribes from drivers along the road.” One police officer got away.”He attempted to shoot our officers while armed. Thankfully, no injuries were sustained, but he was able to flee,” the EACC chief said.
EACC has suggested a policy mandating that all traffic police at roadblocks be disarmed unless absolutely required in the wake of the tragedy.
“Our position as EACC, in coordination with the IG, is that traffic police officers should never be armed unless it is extremely necessary,” he said.However, he said that such activities will go on, particularly given that the nation is approaching the holiday season.Mbarak emphasized that hotspots around the nation have already been identified by the anti-graft agency and will be raided in the upcoming weeks.