Junior School To Be Hosted In Nearest Day Secondary School
Junior School To Be Hosted In Nearest Day Secondary School
Junior School To Be Hosted In Nearest Day Secondary School
There has been significant support for the plan to transfer Junior Secondary School (JSS) classes to local day secondary schools. The urgent need for this change is seen as a reaction to the worrying situation of junior secondary schools that are now housed inside of elementary schools across the country.
When grade seven pupils move on to grade eight in 2024, the issue is predicted to get considerably worse. The absence of suitable infrastructure is the main problem facing JSS. In reality, a crucial requirement of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) is the facilitation of practical tasks, which the majority of elementary schools fail to do.
This shortcoming indicates that the lack of practicals impairs students’ ability to learn and accomplish. The lack of teachers in JSS schools is another major issue. The expanding student population cannot be effectively served by the amount of new teachers being hired at this time.
The government’s goal to attaining a 100 percent transition from grade 6 necessitates the hiring of additional teachers, a scenario made more challenging by the failure of the system to fully integrate the over 40,000 instructors serving under internships. Due to their workload and the significant tax deductions made from their monthly stipends, many of these intern teachers are already demotivated.
Teachers have also been discouraged by the appalling circumstances in many primary schools, especially considering that the majority of them were prepared to instruct students between the ages of 15 and 20. Due to problems with inferiority complex, JSS teachers have expressed concern about the connection between them and school administration degrading.
Given these difficulties, it would be wise for the government to transfer these schools to nearby secondary schools, making sure that pupils have enough access to lab spaces. Additionally, by making this change, secondary school teachers will be able to offer specialized services, which could save the government money.
Additionally, the money set aside for the construction of new JSS facilities could be used to hire more professors who will be better able to support the curriculum’s implementation. Many of the JSS’s existing problems could potentially be resolved by this change, which would enhance students’ educational experiences.