Teachers who applied for advancement receive a letter of regret
Teachers who applied for advancement receive a letter of regret
The regrettable circumstance affected almost 1,500 school administrators who had sought for promotions, attended interviews, and anxiously awaited promotion letters. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) handed them letters of apology instead of the eagerly awaited promotion letters.
Around 1,300 instructors who received these regret letters now have a new chance to reapply for the positions, according to the commission in charge of this process. The commission’s decision to terminate their positions, however, is still a mystery. These instructors were looking forward to their official promotions after being selected and confirmed after interviews in their respective districts.
Most of these instructors, who had been acting in their positions, eagerly anticipated confirmation, but their hopes were crushed. In response, the commission has told these instructors to reapply for jobs whenever announcements of promotions are made in the future.
How the TSC will approach the topic of teacher promotions is a crucial open question, particularly in light of the Education Task Force’s recommendation that the Ministry of Education take on the task of promoting teachers.
According to extensive data from the TSC, there are currently 3,359 public schools without a principal, which is astounding. Particularly, there is no school leadership at 1,918 public elementary schools and 1,441 middle schools.
Particularly alarming is the absence of institutional leadership at 3,359 public elementary and secondary schools, especially at a time when the government is enacting significant reforms in the education industry. The TSC, however, attributes the stagnation and lack of advancement to the teachers themselves.
The TSC’s Macharia, a spokeswoman, has charged teachers with being reluctant to apply for promotions in districts other than their own.In order to fill jobs left vacant by natural attrition, the TSC posted 14,738 openings for teacher promotions at various levels earlier this year. Surprisingly, only 1,231 of these openings had teachers that were accepted, leaving 3,507 slots with no suitable applicants.
Additionally, the TSC has reserved some of these 1,021 openings for teachers who practice affirmative action. Teachers have actively applied for numerous posts, including Principal, Deputy Principal, Senior Master, and more, in both ordinary and special schools, that have been posted by the TSC.
The TSC’s practice of issuing regret letters to instructors who have applied for promotion continues to be concerning, and the predicament raises concerns about the fairness and transparency of the promotion procedure.