Guidelines for Teachers and the TSC  Application  Transfer Form

Guidelines for Teachers and the TSC Application  Transfer Form

Guidelines for Teachers and the TSC Application  Transfer Form

Teachers in Kenya have the chance to investigate different roles and experiences by changing schools. For educators interested in inter-, intra-, or sub-county transfers, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has developed a thorough application form. The following provides an overview of the essential information in this application form and the related guidelines:

Teachers looking for transfers within the Kenyan educational system should use the Transfer Application Form, TSC/TM/TA/001 (Rev. 2012).

The Transfer Application Form’s Important Sections

1. Personal Information: You must enter your entire name in block capital letters, last name first, TSC number, mobile number, and email address in this area.

2. Teaching Subjects: List the topics you instruct in.

3. Job Group: Describe the job group you now hold.

4. Current Station: List your current station’s name, along with the county and sub-county where it is located. Include how long you have worked in the same Sub-County and at your current school.

5. Current Assignment: Describe your function or assignment at the moment.

6. Requested Transfer: Identify the institution and location (Sub-County and County) to which you are requesting a transfer.

7. Transfer Date: Indicate the day on which you want the transfer to go into effect. 8. Justify the transfer request in detail by outlining the factors that led to it.

9. Recommendation from Institution Head: The recommendation should be signed and dated by the institution head who oversees your present organization.

10. If relevant, the TSC County Director or Staffing Officer’s recommendation: Include the suggestion of the TSC County Director/Staffing Officer if your transfer requires moving beyond the county or sub-county.

11. TSC-CD Decision: The TSC-County Director’s decision for internal transfers within the county or sub-county should be included here.

– Ensure that you complete all sections of the form.

– Submit the application in TRIPLICATE (three copies). Two copies should be forwarded to the County director or staffing officer through the head of your institution for recommendation and distribution.

Do not relocate to a new station until you receive an official transfer letter from the Commission/TSC County Director/Staffing Officer.

– In general, instructors are expected to work at their designated station for a minimum of five years, unless the specific circumstances listed in Regulation 27(2) of the Code of Regulations for instructors apply.

By using the defined processes and guidelines, this application process guarantees that teachers can pursue new opportunities.

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