New Closing Dates For Term 3 2023

New Closing Dates For Term 3 2023

New Closing Dates For Term 3 2023

Kenya places a high priority on education since it is thought to be essential for the future prosperity of the nation. There are many stakeholders, outside only the, who demonstrate a commitment to education.The basic, secondary, and higher learning institutions in Kenya make up the three main tiers of the country’s educational system. These institutions go beyond universities.

The primary and secondary education sectors in Kenya operate under the direct control of the Ministry of Education. The ministry plays a crucial role in providing an official academic calendar for the entire year. In this context, the school calendar for the current academic year was released well in advance.

Kenya’s Ministry of Education has released a statement outlining the dates that schools will be closed. Due to its significance for the nation’s future development, education is highly valued there.Primary, secondary, and tertiary education are all included in Kenya’s educational system; only higher education is excluded. Basic and secondary education programs are directly under the Ministry of Education’s control, and they publish an official academic calendar each year.

On October 2, 2023, elementary and secondary schools will close. On November 3, 2023, schools will officially close.These dates are crucial as they coincide with national exams, which are significant milestones in the academic journey of Kenyan students. Non-exam takers will have a break from October 28, 2023, to January 8, 2024.

From October 30 to November 2, 2023, students in grades six and eight will take the KPSEA and KCPE exams. The KCSE exam will therefore start on November 3 and last until November 24, 2023.Teachers will then start grading the exams on November 27 and continue doing so for the following three weeks, ending on December 15, 2023.

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